This year (2024) the Summer Fete will take place on Saturday 13th July on the Village Green.
Every summer Sydling holds its church fete. Always a brilliant day (weather permitting!) attracting both residents and visitors from outside the village.
The fete will be on Saturday 13th July 2:00-5:00pm on the Village Green.
Arena events such as a Family Dog Show are surrounded by a variety of activities such as Skittles, Coconut Shy, Tombola and other games and a variety of stalls including Plant & Produce, White Elephant, Cakes, Books and Girl’s Accessories .
There is a Childrens’ Area with a Bouncy Castle, Face Painting & Name the Lambs.
Everything is wonderfully catered for with Ice Creams and the Tea and Cakes and Beer marquees.
As usual there will be a Grand Prize Draw.
It takes a lot of hard work by villagers to organise such a varied event, but it’s always well worth the effort.